Happy Father's Day

Okay, I've just had the best beginning to a Father's Day in all my 43 years. Hector and I are in Dallas and we just had dinner with the whole family (Mom, Dad, all the kids, Carolyn, Johnny, Steve and Sandy) at Tommy's house. What a feast Tommy and Sam prepared! Mom and Dad went home early and we got home about midnight. I was staying up for a bit to prepare this "Ode to My Father" blog, and went in the kitchen for a little sustenance to stir up the creative juices. Dad comes out of the darkened den. He was restless and couldn't sleep. I went and grabbed the anointing oil, Hector and Caleb. Together, we started Father's Day by anointing Dad and praying over him. What a privelege! (A true miracle that Dad was awake past Leno's monologue.) On this day to honor fathers, I had the chance to honor my most honor-able father by lifting him before his Father. When God created dads, they were designed to be a window to our relationship with Himself. (Theology 101, a la Cari.) They are supposed to reveal to their children the love, wisdom, judgement, justice, compassion and patience of our heavenly Father in a way that enables their children to accurately view God in all his complex awesomeness. And they say a mother's job is a tough one!!! Needless to say, my view of God is one of an accepting, patient, funny, joy-filled, scary, big, protective, forgiving, compassionate, generous, really generous, bigger-than-life King of the universe. As a child this was my perspective of my dad. Adulthood has only served to confirm these perceptions (well, maybe not king of the universe, but certainly of his world). Daddy has a way of doing everything with his unreservedly. He taught us to work first, play after, and do both with without holding back. He gave up his outside interests when UPS began to consume a lot of his time. If he wasn't working, he was doing something with us. He didn't sit in front of the TV, he bought a boat and we spent evenings and weekends skiing and eating Grandy's fried chicken while we watched the sunset from the boat. It never dawned on me that he might want to go hibernate in his room or watch the news. He actually took his vacations and we would drive all over the country to see Cape Cod, New York, family in different parts of the world (Hawaii came later). Or we went camping in the motor home with our 150 lb. german shephard sitting in the front dash. We got more than a few double takes. For those of us with children, how many would voluntarily spend two weeks in a car with three kids driving and seeing historic sites? Greater love ... We played Nertz and Killer on New Years Eve the first year we lived too far away to go to California for the holidays. Jenny and Tracy came to visit and Mom and Dad planned a huge party for us. We wore striped one piece long john pajamas and drank non-alcoholic champagne. We laughed until we cried that night. Excuse my reminiscing, but I've said all this to make a point. I don't know anyone, including my own children, whose childhood experiences rival that of DeeDee, Tommy and me. God told us to be salt and light in the world. Daddy is definitely a very bright light, and Mom is the salt that adds the savor. Two halves that make a spectacular whole. I know of no words spoken by mouth that can express my gratitude and love for you. They can only be known by heart. I pray you speak "heart" so you can understand the impact you have had on the ones who have seen you every day and say from experience and intimate knowledge, "Well Done".
Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I love you. Cari

Happy Fathers Day. Hector

I don’t think you can ever really say there is an upside to cancer. It just sucks, every way you look at it. However, the last couple of months have been an amazing journey as we as a family have faced a really dire diagnosis. The great part is that nothing’s really changed other than the fact that we’re more intentional about making sure we express our love on a regular basis. The reason nothing’s really changed is because Mom and Dad taught us from our earliest years that we trust God, no matter what. We haven’t had to learn that lesson in the middle of the crisis, we just practice what’s been modeled for us every day of our lives.
When I was twelve or thirteen, we would go camping in our motor home. Yes, it’s true. We camped. In a motor home. We weren’t very good at camping – after we’d finish water skiing, we’d go inside the motor home and bake brownies and play Nertz (Tracy and I will still kick all your butts). No hanging around a campfire for us. Sometimes we’d drive really far to find a good water skiing lake (remember Wind Creek?), and we’d drive into the night. Everyone else would crash out in the back, and I would sit up with Dad and we’d talk while he drove. He talked to me about the things of the Spirit, and the thing is, I can’t really remember what he told me. His words of wisdom just went deep down into my soul and became a part of me. That’s a big piece of who I am today.
All of you who know my Dad know this: if you hang around him, he rubs off on you, and you’re a better person for it. That’s because he’s loving, kind, generous, godly, funny, interested in others, wise, courageous, smart, creative and good. He loves his wife, loves his kids, and loves his puppy (probably, but not necessarily, in that order). And, he’s always up for a party. There is no better model on earth for how to be a good Dad. Watch him, and you’ll see.
It’s Father’s Day, Dad, and you know words always fail me when it’s crunch time. I’m at peace, though, because I know you know I love you. Hurry back to my house and we’ll go get clam chowder at Sea Hag and let our puppies run on the beach. I’ll be waiting. And by the way…thank you. DeeDee

Happy Fathers Day Dad!What do you say to your Dad when all the world is reading the card? Everyone who knows you knows you've been the best Father anyone could ever ask for. What an honor to call you Dad, I've always felt it to be a great privilege and responsiblity to bear the name Tom Hardeman. Of course in the last few day's we've been struggling with our usual problem of "what to get Dad" for Fathers Day, because what do you get the man that has everything? But I've come to realize that it's us that's had everything, at least everything of importance. Dad, you and Mom have given us everything we need and more. Heritage, Legacy, Godly example, Honor, Integrity, Discipline, Joy, Fun, Material possessions...pick a word, your life has exemplified it.This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am glad and rejoicing, to have the great blessing to spend it with you. Dad, be blessed today. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be healed! No man every deserved the honor and love of his children more than you, so receive it. We love you so very much. By the way, I'm not going to spend a long time in this Blog reminiscing, but I do want to correct DeeDee's comments by saying, her a Tracy are NOT the king's of Nertz...Dad and I will take you any day.Happy Fathers Day Dad, I love you.Tommy

This is our love letter to you, from all your loving family.

Dearest Daddy Tom,
I have been most priveleged to have you as my father from the heart. You loved me before I was even part of the family and as I have told you before, this has always meant the world to me. I couldn't have wished for a more loving, generous, accepting, caring, fun-loving father-in-law. I am truly blessed! Thank you for being such an awesome father to my husband! He definitely learned how to be a great father and husband from watching you. This has made me doubly blessed! May this day be a blessing unto you as you see with your own eyes the life-lessons you have lived out. God has surrounded you with many children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren as an inheritance in glory! Enjoy!
With much love, Suzanne
Happy Fathers Day Dad!
What do you say to your Dad when all the world is reading the card? Everyone who knows you knows you've been the best Father anyone could ever ask for. What an honor to call you Dad, I've always felt it to be a great privilege and responsiblity to bear the name Tom Hardeman. Of course in the last few day's we've been struggling with our usual problem of "what to get Dad" for Fathers Day, because what do you get the man that has everything? But I've come to realize that it's us that's had everything, at least everything of importance. Dad, you and Mom have given us everything we need and more. Heritage, Legacy, Godly example, Honor, Integrity, Discipline, Joy, Fun, Material possessions...pick a word, your life has exemplified it.
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am glad and rejoicing, to have the great blessing to spend it with you. Dad, be blessed today. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be healed! No man every deserved the honor and love of his children more than you, so receive it. We love you so very much.
By the way, I'm not going to spend a long time in this Blog reminiscing, but I do want to correct DeeDee's comments by saying, her a Tracy are NOT the king's of Nertz...Dad and I will take you any day.
Happy Fathers Day Dad, I love you.
As I look back on my 24 years of life, a running theme is your amazing and loving presence. Even when we lived across the country from each other, you still found a way to be there and with me. I remember playing tent, catch a falling star, trips to Washington D.C. and 6:00 wake up calls to see the Washington Monument. I think of rides in your porsche and swimming with you in your pool. I think of the hours of crisis in this family and how you stood strong through it all and lent your strength to us throughout the way. Most of all, as I prepare to go to church this morning, I realize that you raised a family who loves Jesus. We know his peace in all of our circumstances because of your guidance. There is no greater gift and no way I can begin to thank you.
I know many many people who respect you, as do I. But I consider it my distinct privilege to call you my grandpa. To have been able to crawl into your lap as a child, and to still adore you as an adult are blessings that no words can match. I love you so much Grandpa. The words are a pale shadow compared to how my heart feels about you, but thank you for setting the bar of how to live so high. Even more so, thank you for being my grandpa! I love you!
Thank you for all the ways you have loved our family. We love you Tom, and are praying for you constantly. Happy Father's day, sweet friend.
Love Dirk,Val, Jaxon and little Luke
Dear Daddy Tom,
You know I haven't had an earthly father for over 20 years! Since the first day that I met you, you have been a father to me. I have a hard time expressing how much I love and appreciate you! Tom, you have made such an incredible impact on my life, and my children's lives! We have seen the Father's heart through you, and really for my kids that is the first time they have seen that wonderful heart expressed on earth! Anyway, thank you Tom for all your love and acceptance, and today of all days I wish you great things!! Happy Father's day..daddy Tom
love Rhonda
Hi Grandpa happy fathers day i just wanted to let you know that you have just shown me so much and there is know words to explain how much i appreciate what you have done and how much it has impacted my life and i just want you to know that i love you and you have been one of the greatest romodles in my life and i will always treasure that.
I love you grandpa and i will keep praying for you.
Love Tim
hey big daddy Tom..happy fathers day...well, you were my summer time dad when we were all kids, I remember and appreciate the fun times fondly...I know I haven't been around as much as an adult, but I still have an admiration and utmost respect for you as a friend and as the total figure of what a father should be....God is wonderful for taking away the physical issues you have been dealing with, I am so grateful and thankful to you and to God for the recovery .....continued good health to you always....I love you....jeni
hey big daddy Tom....yes, even though you were my summer time dad as a kid growing up with your kids and I know I am not around much as an adult, I still have the utmost respect and love for you as what a father should be....Happy Fathers Day to you always....I am so grateful to God and to you for your recovery and beating this physical issue..God is most great....continued good health and my love to you always...jeni
As I read over all of these comments, I just smile and swell with pride over you Grandpa Tom. They are a true testimony of a man who follows whole heartedly after Jesus. Such men are so rare to find. Ever since the moment I first met you, I KNEW I would love you . Little did I know the extent that love would become! I wish I could be with you this Father's Day, and I love you with all my heart.
Tom, happy father's day!!! i hope your day was filled with messages of gratitude and affirmations of love, its what you deserve! I love you Tom, you're an incredable man and i'm so very blessed to have you in my life. Best surrogate grandpa EVER!! May God continue to bless and heal you my friend :)
Dear Tom,
Happy Father's Day!! Today is a day we celebrate ours fathers and father figures in our lives. Thank you for being a father not only to your children (whom I adore!) but to Steve and I as well. The most amazing part is that you never even tried to have that place in our lives...it came so naturally. Over the years we've learned so much from you. Things like how to love unconditionally, how to give grace and especially how to give of our time, efforts and resources. Steve and I have discussed countless times the example you and Eileen have set, again, without even knowing it, and how that example is the model for our own lives. You hold a high place of honor in our family and we thank you for your kindness, your generousity, your wisdom and advice and for the support we've always felt come from both of you. How can words ever express the love, admiration and respect we have for you? So few people are like you, but those lives you've touched...you will surely see the fruits of your time/efforts/labor. Your children are blessed and Steve and I are blessed to have them in our lives as well...true mini-yous : ) Thank you for raising them the way you have, they truly are our best friends, we love them so much and we love you and Eileen more than words can express.
May God continue to bless you with "Good News," and may He give you the desires of your heart.
Much love to you, Sandy
Well its pretty early in the morning so i might not be so coherent right now but i was looking back on all the wonderful times we had together as a family and alone. I recalled one of my most favorite times together was probably on our trip to california together. I believe that it was me, julie, grandma, and you. Those four days that we spent together with each other on the road had a profound impact on my life. It really showed me what a loving grandpa i had and how blessed i was to be so close to him. Of course i didnt realize it at the time because that was nearly 4 years ago... but when i matured, and yes i have matured somewhat, it hit me that i have the best grandpa in the world, so on this lovely dark morning, i want to wish you a happy belated fathers day and i love you very much.
P.S.- Happy Fathers Day to every one else
P.S.S.- Sorry for not mentioning your names but its to many i still love everyone though.
P.S.S.S.- Thank you for allowing me to stay at your house uncle tommy and aunt suzanne.
Hi Tom..... I also say "Thank YOU" for all that you have done for me an Jeni an Tracy over all these years. The times when I would come back home frm wherever..an you would be right there to unpack all my boxes...put things away....put out the trash...... Big Hug...the other times you an the guys bought me a bed.......then here you come w/a brand new little adorable couch for me......an all the times that you have fixed anything that was broken..... Good Job. both in "my stuff" an my life..... Crying 2....the emotional one that I am!!! I said an showed YOU all that because you are really LOVED Kisses ...of course during this time of "our" trials w/you it has been such a wonderful time of prayer an being so in touch w/Jesus our wonderful Savior an Heavenly Father.......tanks again for all that you stand for an ARE....... You Rock .....much LOVE an continured prayer for YOU each an every day.......... I Love You marlene
Where do we start?? Over 40 years ago The Lord was so gracious to allow Lydia and I to meet you and Eileen. It has been a wonderful journey, both when we were near and when our families were seperated by great distances!! Tom, you have allowed Christ to lead you in all that you do. The work for God, through God, you have accomplished has impacted literally thousands of people. Not only has God blessed you and your family, through all of this He has also blessed so many others. Some of the greatest memories we have are when both of our families spent weekend after weekend watersking, eating Grandy's chicken, wearing blisters on our feet playing pool basketball etc. Yes the memories of fun times are great, but there is so much more, the wonderful church services we shared, the joy of watching us go from parents to grandparents, to great grandparents, the quiet times of sharing experiences God had brought to both of our families over the years... Where did the time go?? You and your family have truly demonstrated the love of God in your daily walk. We have looked to you for advise, friendship, council, mentoring, and love over the years, and you have always been there!!! Pete talked a few weeks about being involved. He gave the anology of playing basketball and asked the question WHO's IN? Are we spectators or participants in serving this LORD we love? You have always been IN!!! Parents are the fundamental source of influence in the spiritual life of the children He has given us, and you and Eileen have done a fantastic job!! Philippians 4:6-7 tells us not to worry about anything, but to pray about everthing, and thank Him for all He has done... Your love and gererousity in life has been an example not only to Lydia and I, but also to our children and our grandchildren, Tom thank you so much. We life you up in prayer daily, and are trusting God for your healing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lyle and Lydia
Well, here we are ........A day late but the sentiments are still the same ! We can tell you had a wonderful Father's Day Tom and you are constantly in our prayers. We think of all the fun times ( now that we reflect on it, there have been SO many. )we've enjoyed with y'all. You and Eileen picking us up in your Cadillac and taking us to a "Welcome to N. Dallas Foursquare" dinner, fun around the Quail Hollow pool ( remember the Thanksgiving Indians...YES, you wore the feathers too. I'm SURE we have pictures so don't try to deny it ! :) Your then grandson Bo accusing me of weighing 1000 poundth. Thank God you've straightened HIM out!! Then there was the 4th of July at the capitol in Washington D.C. What Fun! More pictures :) What was that you were you were wearing on your head while dancing on the capitol lawn? Canoeing down the river at Sunriver ( Who won that race ? )
More great parties at the Hardemans than we can recall. Such hospitality we've never seen and what an example of what "family" means. We love you and pray for many more miracles in your life Tom. Blessings and More Patty & Gary
Dear Grandpa,
First I would like to say thank you so much for having us all out to the club for lunch, and then letting us come over and hang out at your house all day yesterday for fathers day. It is so wonderful to get to spend time with people I love and admire. As I was reflecting on my life yesterday I realized how blessed I am to be a part of this family. Not only do we have all our material needs met, but there is such rich heritage, traditions and values that our family upholds. I loved listening to you and Auntie Carolyn talk on Saturday about your grandfather and his family, and what they went through moving back and forth from England and America. Also, I fondly remembered when all of us cousins would spend the night at your house, and whenever the first cousin woke up, you would take which ever one of us it was in your “cool car” (for most of our lives it was the little red convertible Mercedes!) to go get doughnuts for everyone else. As we got older, we cared less about being the first one awake, but whenever we would get up and gather in the living room, you always had an interesting segment of the morning news, Jay Leno, Oprah or Gaither Homecoming to show us! (What did we do before TiVo?!?!) These are some of the memories and traditions I cherish most, and I want to thank you for providing them! I also want to thank you for being such a wonderful example to my dad of what a Godly, loving and caring father looks like. I love you so much Grandpa! Happy Belated Fathers Day!!!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses,
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