Word From a Son to His Dad

Okay, we're at the 48 hour point, which is when Dad would get sick if he was going to. He just called Uncle Bobby to see if he wanted to go to lunch and is energetic and cheerful. He's so amazing! Your comments are so wonderful and Dad is blown away by everyone's response. And thank you so much Tommy for making all of us cry. Jeez! The best word for the day came from Tommy (a/k/a Tom since he's grown now) in an email this morning. This is a wonderful word for us all to be praying. Here it is.
"Ok, once again the Lord is encouraging me through Jack Hayford’s “Moments with Majesty”.
March 2 – “Empty graves are in a league of their own. Jesus’ resurrection categorically EXCLUDES any hopelessness in any situation and INCLUEDS anyone who opens to His life-gift. This is something more than life beyond death; it is life beyond hope.
March 3 – “God’s declaration that He shall “rise up” and work an unusual deliverance is ultimately confirmed and manifested in the resurrection of Jesus. When hope fades, life expectancy can rise again. When shadows crowd you, expect the unexpected. Easter is the evidence that such expectations are reasonable.
Amen, Amen, Amen!
I talked to Pastor Jack today on the phone. He called and asked how Dad was and prayed with me for his healing. I told him about how Moments with Majesty has been ministering to us and blessing us. It's amazing how God will use someone and they don't even know it at the time. We are so blessed to have so much support.
Here is a word for Dad TODAY:
Psalm 41:1-3 "Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble. The Lord will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness."
If there was ever a man who has regard for the weak, it is my Dad! May this word be applied to him.
Blessed Blessed day to you Tom, I'm on board now..PTL...Jabez's Prayer calling on GOD of Israel,"Oh that you would BLESS me indeed, & enlarge my territory, that YOUR hand would be with me, an that YOU would keep me from evil"...1 Chronicles 4:9-10....I pray this prayer alot an I know you will be completely BLESSED each day when you pray it.....Blessing an Prayer, marlene
Just a quick note to say we are praying for you..
I'm not sure if you remember us from WSFC...the Ragsac's.
We wanted so badly to make it to the prayer and fellowhip time last weekend but both Leo and Josh were feeling sick, and I know that when your immune system is weak, the last thing you need to be subjected to is a virus...so we did pray for you as a family and pray for you every day individually...
God gave me a verse this year that I believe He wants me to share with you...
Jer. 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil. To give you a future and a hope.
I declare this verse for you Tom and believe it to be true. God bless you and keep you...
With love and blessings...
Kim Ragsac
I heard a quote in church tonight. "Joy is a defiant nevertheless!" grandpa, i know these times are hard, but we are in it together as a family, and our joy is not gonna be stolen! I love you so much and I am lifting up might prayers for my mighty grandpa!
mighty prayers, not might prayers :)
Hey Tomas'. Just wanted you to know that we are keeping the prayers up strong here in Salem. You are so loved by so many here, especially and including me. We love you and are believing God for a mighty miracle.
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