A Note From Tom Hardeman (Thomas W. circa 1945)

The following article was written when Thomas W. Hardeman was the editor of the Life Bible College publication in 1945. For Father's Day, we wanted to words from our past to resonate into the future. If you visit this blog because Dad has had an eternal impact in your life, the words and desire of his Dad's heart are written here. I never met my Grandpa, but I can look back on his life and see the effects of his faithfulness in the blessings his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren enjoy.
A Challenge To Carry On
By Thomas (W.) Hardeman
God in His infinite mercy and planning, saw the need of man down through the ages, and prepared a means or pattern for us to follow. He gave His Word through Holy Men as the Spirit directed them to declare unto us the Word of God. A perfect patern to all who would hear.
God has accomplished great things in the hearts and lives of men and women who have yielded to His will. The heritage given to us is more than a coincidence, it is God's gift given to us through the faithfulness of righteous men.
God gave His Son as a living example, sent from His glory into a world of sin, and He who knew no sin was made a perfect sacrifice to redeem the world through the shedding of His blood as an tonement for our sin.
Millions have accepted God's plan of salvation, and their lives have been transformed into lives of righteousness. Though the forces of sin and satan attempt to destroy the finished work of God, christians are kept by His power in righteousness and faithfulness to His call.
We stand in awe at the wonderful works of man, as God has permitted him to develop them. We are thrilled at the modern inventions and achievements of science, education and literature. The telephone, radio, electrical appliances, great ocean liners and airplanes all stand as a credit to this modern age. Yet as wonderful as these accomplishements are, they cannot compare to the miracle of God's saving grace. The power and Spirit of God abiding in our lives with sin and unbelief all aorund us, are far greater and more lasting than the things we enjoy in a commercial world.
Great men, so-called, have often exploited the lives and rights of their follow men. Great nations have risen to power and fallen, and no eternal good has been accomplished. God is not necessarily looking for great men, but rather for righteousness and holiness in the lives of men. "Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." -- Prov. 14:34
The greatest achievements of men are accomplished where Christian influence has molded the character of people and nations. In our present day, the greatest historoy of all time is being made as we emerge from the world's greatest conflict. The world in confusion and darkness is in need of the Gospel message. The greatest challenge of all time is before us. It is now up to us ... the challenge is ours, to work while it is yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work.
We cannot fail, the torch is in our hands. No other period in history has offered so great a challenge to bring the gospel of salvation to every tribe and nation, thereby fulfilling our Lord's great commision to "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
As our beloved founder and Sister has completed her glorious rebuilding program for Him, and laid down her working tools, we intend, by His grace, to pick them up and build solidly on Jesus Christ, our glorious Saviour, Baptizer, Healer and Soon Coming King.
Only eternity will clearly reveal the design and completed building we have been urged to "Carry On". God help us to be diligent, faithful and courageous laborers, fulfilling His will till He breaks through the Clouds of Glory.
P.S. There are two posts today, one Dad wanted posted as an encouragement to his loved ones, and one we posted as a tribute to him. Please read on for the mushy one.
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Love Sam
I'm so humbled by our heritage. We are most blessed.
As Tommy and I were driving yesterday we were listening to the Tommy Walker CD. We were listening and singing along when Tommy said out loud, "Oh good, this ones it." Next thing I know, our family song is playing! I sat there trying not to cry as my son sang it with gusto! Not only did he know what track it was on the CD, he knows every word already! In fact, he knows almost every word to the entire CD. Anyway, I know this doesn't have much to do with anything, but I found it to be a precious moment and wanted to share it with you. I think the Lord is moving in many ways in many people through what He is doing in your life and body right now. Thank you for being a willing participant in the sufferings of Christ. We are not promised in the Bible to be without suffering in this life, though most of us would like it better that way. Usually when we encounter these sufferings, we would much rather moan about it than to ask the Lord to use it for His glory. You are being used - make no mistake about it. (That doesn't mean you can't moan and groan when the need arises!) You are just allowing the Lord to carry you, sustain you, and heal you to His full glory. More than most of us can say we've done.
I love you so much and praise God continually for the healing He is doing in your body!
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