Sunday, August 13, 2006

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made

We are rejoicing in it. After the worst day ever yesterday, I was awakened by Cari at 7:00 am saying "Dad wants to have coffee with you." I went into his room and he was sitting up and when Cari brought our coffee he took a few sips through a straw and fell asleep. It was a wonderful start to the day (and it was a busy, exhausing, eventful day), I think he had about 50 (no kidding) visitors. Of course, everyone didn't get in to see him, but the lobby, halls and living area of his room overflowed most of the day.

The weekend doctor came early and said he wanted Tom looked at by a Nephrologist (Kidney specialist), because his kidney lab tests were too high, and it might indicate - well you know. However, we had two not one specialists and their conclusion was not that grave. They said his kidneys had taken a lickin but were still tickin. They are sending him for a sonogram tomorrow and running more tests and will make a determination as to the course of treatment. They seem to think prelimilarily that the kidneys may just take a nap and wake up working fine. Let's agree about that.

The other areas of obvious concern are his bowels which haven't moved in over a week, his stomach which still requires a nasal tube to empty and his inability to eat. His nausea and bloating have been controlled by the tube, and they are giving him calories through the IV.

Tommy, Robert and Hector are caring for Tom tonight and sent the girls home for bath and bed. Tommy called me about and hour ago and said Tom's bowels moved for the first time a few minutes ago. I feel like a Mom with a 3 year old who finally "got it" with the potty training. I'm sure Tom loves to see this in print!!! Don't tell him I told you.

Well, I think I've revealed enough family secrets for one night. I do want to thank all our dear, dear family and friends who are holding Tom up in prayer. We are so blessed and feel uplifted by your intercession. I'm sure Cari will be back to give you more details tomorrow, but wanted you all to know you're prayers have not been in vain.

I love you all, Eileen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Eileen,

Happy, Happy Birthday Tom! We love you and Eileen so very much!! We have been praying for you, but since I spoke with Suzanne last week right after all of this started, Jeff, the kids and I have been lifting you up daily. It is so sweet to hear our boys asking the Lord for healing and comfort for Mr. Tom our friend in Texas! We have been so touched by all of the wonderful comments that are sent to you on Cari's blog (thank you Cari for your wonderfully detailed updates). You are loved by so many. Your kind and generous spirit truly reflects your love and devotion to Christ. What an inspiration you and the whole family have been to so many people,through out this ordeal! We wish that we were closer so that we could join the hordes in the waiting room, but know that we are with you in spirit! We are standing with you as you fight this fight!!! Believing God's promise for you!
Jeff, Kerry & the boys

8/14/2006 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom & Eileen,

Happy, Happy Birthday Tom! We love you and Eileen so very much!! We have been praying for you, but since I spoke with Suzanne last week right after all of this started, Jeff, the kids and I have been lifting you up daily. It is so sweet to hear our boys asking the Lord for healing and comfort for Mr. Tom our friend in Texas! We have been so touched by all of the wonderful comments that are sent to you on Cari's blog (thank you Cari for your wonderfully detailed updates). You are loved by so many. Your kind and generous spirit truly reflects your love and devotion to Christ. What an inspiration you and the whole family have been to so many people,through out this ordeal! We wish that we were closer so that we could join the hordes in the waiting room, but know that we are with you in spirit! We are standing with you as you fight this fight!!! Believing God's promise for you!
Jeff, Kerry & the boys

8/14/2006 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy VERY belated birthday Tom! (Yikes, I'm on Israeli time, now)

Now I TOTALLY thank God for the blog, because being so far away is torture not having a minute by minute update. Thank you Cari, so much, for being so particular and efficient in keeping us informed.

I pray shalom for your mind and body. The word is out in the Hebrew world as I have people praying for you at Baruch HaShem in Dallas and here in Tel Aviv.

By the way, Shaul and Sabra, who are praying for you, are the ones who stayed in your condo in Maui. They just had a baby girl after that devastating loss of 5 babies last year. Baruch HaShem (praise the L-rd).

Everyone in the office here at Beit Immanuel says: "Yom Huledet Sameach, Tom Dodi!" (Happy birthday Uncle Tom!). My prayers for you do not stop and since I'm closer to G-d now physically, He just HAS to hear me!! :-) hahahaha!!

To all my family reading the blogs, I love you and am with you spiritually.

Love you Tom & Eileen! Tracy

8/16/2006 12:50 PM  

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