
I chose this paper to write your letter on because every time I am at your house, ths is the only kind of paper I can find in Grandma's office! I guess you can say that legal pads remind me of you and Grandma, in a round about way! Many things remind me of you - fun playful cars, brunch at Brookhaven, praise-and-worship music (and the "Grandpa Dance" I can see you doing in my head to the upbeat songs!), funny Jay Leno clips, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, grilled steak and chicken, and of course, Maui! Also, the rare occasions I go pick up doughnuts for the family! There are many things that remind me of you; the more I sit and write, teh more that come to mind! Above all these occurrences, what I love the most is what you remind me of - Christ's love.
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful example of the way God wants us to love one another. Your love is so unconditional and never ending, and it extends to everyone you meet! I am constantly amazed by all the people who say they look to you as a son does his father, or they consider you their grandpa too! I am so blessed to not have to look outside of my own family for the love of a father or grandfather, and that is because of you and your example. So, thank you Grandpa!
Finding a middle name for Bradyn was a no-brainer for me! I chose "Thomas" as his middle name for three reasons, those being the three men in my life with that name. I wanted Bradyn to have a disposition like my brother and be accomplished at such a young age like Tommy was. I wanted him to have a mind like my dad, and have the quick, sassy and questioning ind that my daddy has. And of course, you are the third Thomas I am mentioning! I hope that Bradyn learns to love as you do. To love Jesus like you do and to love people like you do. I also pray that he exudes happiness the way you have always done. i have seen people's faces change from being upset and depressed to being happy and joyful within minutes of being in your presence. It is wonderful!
I also want Bradyn to be tough like you, Daddy and Tommy are. I remember the many accidents you have had while doing little projects around the world! Still to this day I am scared of exacto knives and nail guns!
Anyway, I wrote all of this to say I love you so much and I am grateful to you for accepting my mom and I into your family so many years ago! I am proud to call you my Grandpa and I have always loved that our birthdays were so close together! (I don't know why, but I have always loved celebrating my birthday with you and Grandma!) I hope you have a very happy birthday Grandpa!
I love you,
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