Friday, August 22, 2008



As she came towards him down the aisle with grace
A precious hush swept o'er that holy place
The organ swelled and music filled the air
And love enveloped all who joined them there.

They came before the altar rail to meet
And to Almighty God their vows repeat
Untested yet by life, they knelt to pray
It was a very special wedding day.

The Heavenly Weaver turned to face His loom
Plied expertly a willing bride and groom
With threads of gold and silver He began
And started weaving His eternal plan.

With joy they faced the future side by side
The beginning of a high adventure ride
They purposed that their lives would outward reach
And to their world a silent sermon preach.

Without restraint they rushed life to embrace
and shared with others God's amazing grace
They worked within the Master's harvest field
Their joint commitment by the Spirit sealed.

Blessing followed blessing year by year
They set aside the time God's voice to hear
A special path I have for you He said
And trustingly they followed where He led.

God's calling changed their family landscape
The Weaver saw His pattern taking shape
It followed His eternal timeless plan
He worked His purpose in by loving hand.

Threads of darker hue they weren't above
He added others blood-dyed by His love
They poured themselves like oil at His feet
And found His grace sufficient and complete.

Our eyes see just a one dimension span;
The Master has no limits such as man
He lives ahead in time, and that's why when
Before they knew to ask, He answered them.

Though parted for awhile in wrenching pain
The Weaver's tender care will still remain
Completing what he planned right from the start
He binds them close and joins them at His heart.

It doesn't seem it possibly can
Be fifty years since their life first began
But I am sure their storehouse up above
Is filled with golden treasure mined by love.

The impact of their lives won't be revealed
Until eternal books have been unsealed.
Presenting white robed trophies at His feet
Without regret their Saviour they will meet.

With unveiled eyes His Masterpiece they'll see
A wrinkled canvas, tangled hopelessly.
They they'll perceive from Heaven's lofty height
A precious jeweled Shepherd's Crown of Life. 

Eileen Hardeman


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