Monday, May 07, 2007

Springtime in Dallas

The calendar says May, but it still feels like winter in my mind most of the time. The trees and flowers are blooming and thunderstorms roll through, so I guess the thaw is setting in. I (Eileen) have wanted to post an update for a long time now, but every time I sit down to write my mind shuts down and I spend the time looking at the slide show on my screen saver, crying, or just letting my mental hard drive run the loop of memories stored there for just such an occasion. It’s been over seven months of hard grieving, bittersweet times with the family together and apart, and coming to grips with our new reality. For me personally, it’s just the beginning of trying to find the person God intends for me to be in this new season of life.

You all know how young I was when I met Tom – who I am today does not even resemble who I was at 15. I’ve thought a lot lately about God being the potter and us the clay. The shaping of the vessel I became was formed in the context of my life with Tom. Everything my life revolved around included his presence. That isn’t completely scrapped with him gone; I will always be Tom’s wife, just without him present with me now. I’ve been wondering though how much of what I think and do is motivated by who I thought Tom wanted me to be rather than who I really am.

The last week in April, DeeDee, Cari, Suzanne and I rented a house on the coast in Oregon and spent a week together. They scrapbooked their brains out and I couch potatoed. We listened to music, ate, watched old movies, ate, cried, ate and they scrapped. I read a couple of books and then got out my poetry. First time since Tom died, and I was surprised to find I still have stuff in me that wants to come out. Several old ones and one new one kind of tell where I’m at these days.


Just when I’m certain I have it down pat
And think I’ve discovered where life’s really at.
God say’s to Himself it’s really a fact
She’s much too complacent to leave her like that.

What good can come from just trusting herself
And letting her gifts lie unused on the shelf?
Let’s gather her up and take her on back
To the refining wheel in the pottery shack.

This doesn’t seem fair I hear my mind roar.
This lesson was learned; I’ve been here before.
But God takes the layers of my life apart
And patiently peels them away from my heart.

I wiggle and squirm and tear my hair out.
In anger I cry what is this all about?
There seems no response to the words that I pray.
He just keeps on working this misshapen clay.

So slowly at first, then flooding in fast
Come truths long forgotten He taught in the past.
The process is sure, no mistake does He make,
His vessel He’s molding for eternity’s sake.


When life intrudes and I feel stressed and burdens on my soul do press
I have a place I must confess, a soul retreat where I find rest.
I share this room inside of me with one whose face you never see
She is the person I can’t be, my other personality.

She say’s the things that I cannot, this other person that I’m not.
She doesn’t cry, get mad or hot, she has the poise I haven’t got.
Her skin if fresh, it’s taut and young, her body thin and lean and strong.
She climbs the stairs, her stride is long, she exercises with a song.

She stands up tall, looks straight ahead, can speak her mind without my dread.
She’s faithful and she’s Spirit led, this person living in my head.
I wish that I could be like her, so confident – so right – so sure;
Articulate with motives pure, take charge of life, not just endure.

But I don’t know just who she is, this person who inside me lives.
Who reaches out and to me gives the hope that I could be like this.
Just now and then, not often true, I sense that I am coming to
A place in life, for me brand new, I’ll let my other self break through.

I’ll take the mask off from my face. I’ll risk it all and pray God’s grace
Will hold me there in that new place - to confidently life embrace.
Then you will see a me brand new, renewed in mind and body too.
It is a dream that can come true; someday she will come shining through.

I wrote those a few years ago – long before my life storm. Isn’t it amazing how God prepares our hearts with the answers to the questions we don’t even know to ask yet. This one is new.


I spend a lot of time these days remembering the past.
I contemplate the life I’ve lived that flew by way too fast.
In memory I walk the aisle and clasp the outstretched hand
Of one who was designed for me in God’s eternal plan.

I feel again the warm enchantment of each babe in arms
And relive their accomplishments and marvel at their charms.
I’m overwhelmed with thankfulness for God’s amazing care
And each and every moment He allowed us all to share.

I think about the places that we lived both far and near
About the friends we came to love, each one so very dear.
The seasons of our life became a treasure that we stored
Now drawn upon in reverie just like a rich reward.

I hear again the melody of love’s angelic song.
It stirs to life my frozen heart once more to sing along.
For even though the life once lived is never more to be
I hold each joyful moment safe within my memory.

Hopefully in the next few days we can post a few pictures to update everyone on what we've been doing the last few months. Until then, thanks for all the cards, calls, prayers and encouragement. We couldn't have made it this far without you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you
I lowe you

5/11/2007 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your poem "I Am Her" has always been my favorite. I'm so glad to see it again. That person in your head is the one I've always known.

Happy Mother's Day.

5/11/2007 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is NOT fair, but I can't help myself!

"Where ever God leads me, I'll follow on.
The pathway is narrow, the road is long.
But still I can trust Him, He knows the way.
He knows the way.
I'll walk in His footsteps from day to day.
Where ever God leads me, I'll follow on.
With Him to guide me, I can not go wrong, can't go wrong.
His love will never fail, never fail, never fail, His promise is true.
So true.
Where He leads, I'll follow, I'll follow Him for He'll see me through.
Where ever God leads me, I'll follow on.
With Him to guide me, I can not go wrong, can't go wrong.
His love will never fail, never fail, never fail, His promise is true.
So true.
Where He leads I'll follow.
I'll follow Him, for He'll see me through.
Where He leads I'll follow, for He will see me through.
Where He leads I'll follow, for He will see me through the dark waters and sometimes deep sorrows.
But He will see me through."

I love you all!


5/14/2007 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I've been waiting for this post for a long time... I'm not really sure why. Thanks so much for your sharing your heart, your words feel like cool aloe on my heart. This blog and your poems are kind of a beacon for me, they point me to Grandpa in a way I haven't experienced in a long time. I know that we're still very much in the winter of this awful season of grief, but your blog reminds me that the thaw is starting. The ache is still here, but it turns out our hearts still work... Who knew? I love you, and I'm so grateful that you took the time to pour yourself into sharing your heart.

5/20/2007 11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm really missing Dad right now! Tommy graduates in about 3 1/2 hours and I know Dad would be here and be so proud. There just seems to be such a huge void that only Dad could fill. I know every major family event is going to be so different now, they just seem to make me miss him all the more. I'm not really sure why I'm writing this here...I think it's only us that's checking the blog anymore...Oh Well, I love you Mom, DeeDee and Cari...wish we were all together tonight.


5/25/2007 3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Tom. Others still check here.

I was on staff briefly at First Methodist and interacted with your father some, but I did not know him well. I did, however, have a high opinion of him.

It has, therefore, been gratifying to read how deeply he was loved by his family. You all already know how blessed you've been. Many such as I could never ever begin to personally identify with such a loving father or family. Not even now at a grandmotherly age as I now find myself.

There has been much painful and incredible devastation in my family lines; devastation I now get to recognize as passed down to the fourth generation already. And it is sad. Very sad.

Still, I read your blog to remind myself that the Lord still works with those who give themselves wholeheartedly to Him. Thank God for your father and his heart's response to his Lord. May his reward in heaven be great.

5/26/2007 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still read it. Though I didn't get to spend much time with all of you, my time with your family was meaningful. I've hurt so much for all of you, knowing that such a time could come for me at any moment with either of my parents. Eileen, I've been a single mom for 7 1/2 years now, and you have no idea how the sharing of your heart has strengthened and encouraged me as I struggle to raise my children alone (one of whom is a 17 year old who thinks he's ready to take on the world, wearing his Mama out in the process). I'm sure your thoughts have encouraged others as well. I think there's a wonderful ministry waiting for you. Cari, I miss you. I wish I could have been with you, scrapbooking for a week! Know that in Tennessee, petitions are still being taken to our Father on your family's behalf. Much love, Janetta

5/26/2007 8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you all.

As you spend this time together with John, Carolyn, Wayne and Denny for graduations, know I love you all and you are in my prayers.

I asked Mom to give you my love when she sees you....but here it is from me to you



5/29/2007 7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, DeeDee, Cari, Tom and Suzanne,

I still check your blog regularly and have been touched first with Bo's sweet words back in March and now with Eileen's beautiful poems. I hope you know how much we love all of you, you ARE our extended family! Tom was and continues to be a BIG part of our lives! We hurt with you, we cry with you and we love with you, but most of all we continue to lift each of you up in our prayers! Tom, I know that special family times and milestones make you miss your dad even more, but I believe that he and Jesus are right there with you, and I can see your dad smiling down with that big grin of his, he will always be with you in your heart and in your memories. Jeff and I love you guys so much and we long to be with you!


5/29/2007 11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen those poems are amazing. I have a feeling i will reread them many many times in the future. Thank you for sharing your heart so precious.. I love you and yours so very much...

6/01/2007 1:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Excellent, Eileen, excellent. Discovey through poetry is a means of the prophetic.

7/17/2007 9:15 AM  

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