We Remembered

Yesterday was a day to remember. We gathered, family and friends, to celebrate and remember. It was joyful, funny, worshipful and awesome. Our friend Jerry Pippin from Lorraine and the Jubilee Six days came from retirement in Colorado to play a beautiful prelude and sing, reminding us of our “roots.” Part of the West Salem Foursquare Church Worship team came to lead us to the throne in praise. Then Cari read a beautiful tribute to her Dad written by her brother Tom, and our friend Lauralee Farrer gave a ? (was that a tribute or a roast, Lauralee?) , and Robert did a magnificent job of reminding us of who Tom is and his impact on all our lives and presented an opportunity for those who hadn’t met the Master Tom serves to accept Him (I think 8 made decisions to follow Christ). Our friend Rusty Getter worked night and day since Monday to produce a fabulous slide tribute to Tom and we cried and laughed and praised together. Then we gathered in the back to eat and schmooze. Tom’s kind of party!!
We were honored to have many fly and drive in from around the country and there wasn't enough time to spend with you - we loved the hugs, but needed some good "sit-down" conversation. We will be having another memorial service in Salem on September 7, so we hope to see many of you there. Thanks to everyone who made the trip to Dallas (in the Texas August heat).
I do not have the words to thank everyone who has supported us to this point in our journey. We could not travel this road without you. We loved being with every one of you who were there and missed those who could not come. I am hearing every day from someone we had not contacted and for that I’m sorry. I have been moving through a kind of fog and every once in a while it clears and I remember someone I needed to call. Please forgive me.
Folks are leaving now, heading back to their own lives. Cari and DeeDee will stay through the weekend and then I’ll settle in to my new reality. I am still following the mandate the Lord gave me back in February. 'Don’t walk in tomorrows steps, I’m here with you today and I have all you need for now.' I’m trying – but tomorrow is looming, so keep praying for me.
We are still claiming “We Will Remember” by Tommy Walker as our “family song.” The second verse says:
When we walk through life’s darkest valley
We will look back at all You have done
And we will shout, our God is good
And He is the faithful One
We will remember, we will remember,
We will remember the work of your hand
We will stop and give you praise
For great is thy faithfulness.
We have a lot to remember and we know God is good and faithful.
Love, Eileen
I needed to write, but don't think this one is for the blog. I'm sitting here, after not sleeping at all last night and wakeful again tonight, thinking about why I didn't ask Daddy more questions about his life? You told me how he was saved, but what molded him, what were the pivotal spiritual and personal points? I'm looking at all the trappings of hours of work and effort around me and wishing I had invested that time into my Dad. He spent so much time investing into others. I know that was enough reward for him. But I wish I had more of him to carry with me now. I know that sounds selfish, but it's how I feel right now. I understand more about the Bible saying not to waste time on useless chatter. So much precious time wasted that can't be regained. I spent the evening catching up on work and bills. I didn't apply these hard learned lessons to my life this evening by sitting down with my kids and talking to them, investing in them. I so don't want to have to learn this lesson over! I guess that's why I'm so melancholy tonight. I'm pining away for the time I missed with my Dad while I'm busy missing more time with my family. Duh! I love you mom! Miss talking to you.
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