Sitting next to Grandpa's bed for a week and a half gave me a chance to do something that all of us Grandkids were fortunate enough to do. I got to tell my Grandpa everything I needed to, I got to thank him for everything he had done for me (as if it could ever be counted), and I got to tell him that I loved him.I left early Saturday morning to head back to California to attempt to get my year started at school, only to find out that Grandpa had taken Jesus' hand that night. At first I was sick that I had left just hours before he died. I wanted to be there when he exited this world and began his Life. As the grief over took me (litterally laying on the floor), Jesus spoke something to me. Unlike people standing around waiting for him to go, I had truly said goodbye. Although I was not there to see him into the Father's arms, I had the unique opportunity of saying goodbye, knowing it would be the last time I would see my Grandpa on this earth. What a gift that is, to know that everything was said. He knew that I loved him, he knew that I appriciated everything he had ever done for me.But more than any of those things, my Grandpa knew that I was going to follow the path he had always dreamed for me. No, not an employee of the famed UPS, and no, not even a pastor. My Grandpa had dreamed of me, and all of my cousins, to live a life serving the Lord. Whatever that may look like for each of us, he desired for each of us to serve Jesus and to love Him with all of our hearts.And so with all (most actually) of his grandchildren gathered around his bed late Friday night, we prayed, and I leaned in close to his ear and prayed, "Jesus, please let Grandpa see all of his grandchildren here, seeking you, and let him know that we all love Jesus, and we will all serve Him the rest of our lives." Grandpa heard that, and I believe that he had peace.My Grandfather passed on from a life that was well lived. Pastor Pete once said (actually it was his dad), "There are two things that are most important to say about a man at his death. He was faithful to his wife, and he was faithful to his calling." My Grandfather was faithful to both. He loved my Grandma with a romance taken straight out of the Bible, and was faithful to his calling of providing for his family, and guiding them in the path of the Lord. I know what it means to serve Jesus because I saw how my Granpa lived.Though the grief is great, and there are many more tears to be cried, I have peace. My Grandpa is, at this moment, looking into the face of his Savior, and is hearing, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."What an example to follow.Bo (2nd Granchild)
P.S. That picture was taken at Echo Park, just outside Angelus Temple, where Grandpa (almost) went to LIFE for a while!
I worked with your grandfather as a Division Mgr and he was always upbeat and in good spirit. He was a pleasure to work with. I know he will surely be missed. He let his light shine before men so that they could see his good work and glorify the father who is in Heaven. My condolesence go out to you and all of his family.
Marvin Howard
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