Christmas Candle

Gifts all opened; dinner past, the kids are gone; it's quiet at last.
There is a sense of timelessness, a fleeting touch of loneliness;
The Christmas candle flame burns low, my mind sees pitures in its glow.
This is the season I love best; worth all the strain and lack of rest.
There's such excitement, smiles and fun, for just a while old hearts are young.
Loved carols we take time to sing around the tree in one big ring
Then someone reads, though all have heard, the timeless message from God's Word.
It's been the same from year to year, the sacred story we all hear
Of angels singing Peace on Earth to celebrate the Saviors's birth.
Redeeming Love's eternal plan, as God's own son became a man;
Reminding each one once again where Christmas really first began.
The river of of our life flows past, the current moving way too fast.
Your presences still feels very near, God-sent from heaven it is clear.
Our lives were blended from the start; we never dreamed we'd have to part;
I bless the life, unique and rare that we were priveledged to share.
Though distance seems to lie between, it's not as far as it might seem,
For in the candlelight I see, the cord that binds you close to me.
Look there in heaven's candle glow, the cord you'll see, and then you'll know
In spirit we are not apart, I carry you right in my heart.
Merry Christmas, darling Tom
December 25, 2007
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