Well, folks the time is upon us. I have been pondering (yes that's a word) for months how I'm going to deal with August - all those celebrations (birthdays, anniversary, home going). My instinct says RUN!!!!! I've browsed all the web sites for exotic cruises, trips to the Orient, and seats on the space shuttle to avoid thinking about "the date." I keep coming back to the question, "how would Tom observe this occasion." Any of you who knew Tom for 5 minutes would know the answer (it was his answer for every occasion) - LET'S HAVE A PARTY!!! What did Tom like to do best to celebrate?? Eat, sing, dance and laugh. So.........come on to my house on August 18th between 2:00 p.m. and whenever to do all of the above. I need to do a little preparation so if you plan to come please post a reply and we'll expect you for a little music, a little Mexican (food of course) and a lot of remembering, laughter and maybe a few tears. Party Tom style.

P.S. Haven't you heard? Dancing is no longer a sin. Tom is doing it in heaven right now!!
You know I'm there!
The Hardeman clan will be there with our dancin' shoes on!
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Just remember... No circles on the dance floor!
Jon, Everette and I are really looking forward to being with you all!! The Ballards (Oh! Plus baby in the belly will make 4!
Wish we could be there with all of you on "the day", but we will be with you in spirit!!! Having a party out here in So. Cal. and remembering Tom!!
Our love to you all!!!
Jeff, Kerry and Boys
can someone teach me the Electric Slide before the party?
Eileen, We can't be there but we'll be dancing on August 18th in celebration of Tom's life.
Love you,
Bill & Neila Swor
It is amazing how we have all learned it is His grace and mercy that has given us the hope of eternal life and not our works....... We look forward to the celebration of Tom's life and the example of God's love manifestied through him. Thank you for taking the time and effort to glorify God during this time of memories and What God meant to both Tom and you!!!!!!! God has truly used both of you for His glory........., and who knows what the future holds??????
love you,
butch and lydia
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