Thursday, March 16, 2006

Eileen's Battle Cry: PRAY

"Sound the alarm! The battle lines are drawn, the location and time are set for the enemy to be destroyed and cast down and out. The battle is the Lord’s and the victory is ours as we reign with Him!"

Tom went in for his weekly chemo this morning. We really feel the chemo has been working – his pain has completely disappeared and other than fatigue the first week he hasn’t suffered any side effects (PTL!!!).

They do a Complete Blood Count before every treatment to make sure his white and red blood cells and platelets are high enough. Last week it was a little low but adequate for the treatment. This week his count was too low to allow chemo. They advised him to be careful around crowds and stay away from anyone obviously sick as he will be more susceptible to infection. He is to come back Monday to recheck his CBC; they feel sure he will be able to resume the chemo next Wednesday.

We are calling on all our prayer partners to specifically pray that God will stimulate Tom’s immune system and that his blood count will rebound miraculously this week.

Bo and his girlfriend Blaik are visiting this week from California. Tomorrow is Cari’s birthday and also Blaik’s. We are going to Houston to celebrate with the Sepulveda family. We anticipate a grand time of celebration and fun, let’s call it Laugh Therapy. We'll keep you posted on his progress; in the meantime - KEEP PRAYING!!

Love, Eileen

P.S. The scales were wrong last week. Dad hasn't lost one pound. PRAISE GOD!!! (The only time those words are uttered in relation to the lack of weight loss.)