Tom HardemanThis is Eileen at my first attempt to update the blog. As I write this Tom and I are sitting in DeeDee and Robert’s living room looking out the window at the wonderful evening sunset over the valley.
Tom had his last chemo on Wednesday. It’s a good thing this was the last one because it took them 6 tries to get a vein.
The doctors said Tom shouldn’t travel while he was taking chemo, so as soon as he had his last treatment, he said well, that’s over – let’s go. So we hopped on a plane Thursday and came to Oregon. Kristin came in on Friday and Grandpa loved that.
We celebrated Resurrection Sunday with the WSFC family at the Salem Convention Center. It was electric! 2,000+ singing and praising our risen Lord in the heart of downtown Salem.
We had brunch at Bentley’s right in the convention Center with Tracy and some friends. What a treat. We came home and spent the afternoon in spiritual contemplation; i.e., an afternoon nap.
We leave here Tuesday. Wednesday Tom goes for another CT scan. THIS IS THE BIG ONE. We talked to Dr. Nemuniaitis last week and he wants us to hand carry the CT CD and report to him. They will review it to see how much the tumors have shrunk and depending on what they see, schedule follow-ups for ultrasound and surgery consults. Please pray specifically that there will be significant shrinking and that it will be completely out of the blood vessel.
I promise, someone will update the blog Wednesday evening (hopefully with pictures - I couldn't figure out how to do that this time),so we can all be praising the Lord- no matter what. Whatever the medical reports – God Reigns Supreme. HE IS RISEN. HALLELUJAH