Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dad in The Future-Check Out the Hair

Yippeee!!! Dad went yesterday and got his blood work done and the results are great! His ANC (which is the overall blood count) went from the 1200's to over 3000. His platelets went from 93 to 273. His white blood count went from 2.9 to 5.2 (still under normal range, but we'll definitely take it). So all you prayer warriors out there fall on your knees and thank God because he has answered our prayers.

On and interesting side note, Mom was at lunch with Dad on Sunday and she noticed he had something black in his hair. She told him to look down so she could inspect more closely. She asked him if he had gotten black paint in his hair? Nope. He has dark hair growing in all over his head! Okay, I know chemo has some weird side effects, but regenerating the pigment in hair is not one I've heard of. I don't know about anyone else, but this gives me the chills. It speaks of life and not death. So take today as a day to rejoice and give God the praise and thanks He so richly deserves. More later.